I have recently published an investigation concerning Interkassa payment system and how it got banned by MasterCard due to providing services for web sites with child pornography content.
As far back as in June, 2018 there was a piece of information in the news feed saying that the payment system imposed a huge fine on Privatbank in the amount of 160k USD. As it turned out, Privatbank processing system accepted payments per view of web-cam sex and all of the payments were going through the payment system integrator called Liqpay*Interkassa. It was said in the letter from MasterCard to Privatbank that the system accepted cards for payments for the benefit of the web-site with explicit child porn.
MasterCar included Liqpay*Interkassa in a long-lasting blacklist complying with its security terms Member Alert To Control High-risk Merchants (MATCH). That is, MasterCard prohibited banks using its system, from accepting and processing payments through that merchant system. However, after that ban the system somehow not even survived but also got into a new life stream. Today Interkassa pose as Visa’s partner and is being processed at TAS-Combank which belongs to Serhiy Tihipko
It brought in two logic questions to both Tihipko and TAS-Combank management: if they were informed about bank’s partners and their ‘achievements’ and what was the exact name of the child porn connoisseur? The reply was rather unexpected and turned into another striking demonstration of Tihipko’s talent for commercial banks management proving it to be slightly exaggerated.
Deputy Chairman of the Board at TAS-Combank is Valeriy Danylenko. He is also an immediate relative of Ihor Zot’ko, Head and Co-Founder of Interkassa, who is married to a sister of Danilenko’s wife by name Iryna.
Both sisters are engaged in sewing and they launched a joint business on clothes for kids. So it may be concluded that TAS-Combank Deputy Chairman is running after two hares at a time covering the child porn incident and getting kickbacks for doing that. Furthermore, these kickbacks are paid by his own family member for processing services provided to his company by his bank. It looks like either a conflict of interest, in case Tihipko doesn’t notice a mole right in front of him, or a consistent scheme with a thorough plan.
Well, Tihipko may be a bit distracted to care about the bank at the moment. Having bought Kyznya on Rybalsky Plant from Poroshenko he can be now reasonably called Lord of War :)