The Story of How Mr. Groysman and Mr. Kononenko Subdivided the Fiscal Body

The ‘war’ for influence at the customs waged between Prime Minister Groysman and President Petro Poroshenko has been discussed in the mass media for a while now.

There are a lot of assumptions that the pending elections became their bone of contention. It’s been supposed that Poroshenko considered Groysman to be his rival that’s why he wanted to reduce Groysman’s illegal income received from the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine.

However, it all is nothing but a fantastic bluff. Poroshenko and Groysman are factually a single integrated whole aimed at stealing as much money out of the customs and taxes as possible.

To prove the aforementioned statement I provide you the documents indicating that the most lucrative positions at the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine were assigned through Ihor Kononenko.

The list of candidates was being drawn up by Nina Yuzhanina (under the guise of a lustration list) as far back as in 2015. Being completed, the list was submitted to the President’s partner for further endorsement.


On May 14, 2015 Nina Yuzhanina sent an e-mail to Ihor Kononenko, Head of the Fraction of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc at the Parliament and Poroshenko’s principal problem solver. The subject of the e-mail was titled as ‘A Promise’ and the attached document included the list of 12 candidates for key positions at the fiscal body of the state.

14 мая 2015 года Нина Южанина направляет письмо главному «решале» Порошенко – главе фракции БПП в парламенте Игорю Кононенко. Тема письма – «обещанное», а во вложении список кандидатов на ключевые должности фискальных органов страны из 12 претендентов.

The table attached to the e-mail was personally completed by Nina Yuzhanina. There were 15 more candidates added up to the list after the approval with Kononenko.

On May 22, 2015 Mrs. Yuzhanina forwarded the updated list to her assistant Kateryna Hudymenko for its further processing.

In this particular case there were enlisted candidates aspiring to senior positions at the fiscal body (tax and fiscal services) of Ukraine. The assignment campaign covered the fiscal central body in Kyiv, Kyiv region and other regions of the country like Zaporizhia, Odessa, Lviv, Kirovohrad, Mykolayiv, Khmelnytskyi, Sumy and Dnipropetrovsk regions.

Having looked at the table, it becomes quite clear that some of the candidates for the most ‘tempting’ positions were appointed personally by Mr. Kononenko. For instance, have a look at the positon of Head of the State Fiscal Service in Kyiv.

At the same time Mr. Kononenko took into consideration likings of people from his environment that is deputies from Petro Poroshenko Bloc Hennadyi Chekita and Maksym Kuryachyi. Oleksandr Herega, former representative of the Party of Regions, deputy and owner of the hypermarket ‘Epitsentr’, was among the supervisors controlling key appointments for senior positions at Kyiv and Sumy customs offices.

And Borys Lozhkin was lobbying the assignment campaign at JSC Ukrzaliznytsia through Hryhoryi Shverk, his partner and deputy from Petro Poroshenko Bloc.

So, I’m about to represent the ‘brightest’ candidates enlisted by Mrs. Yuzhanina:

I can assume that Poroshenko and Groysman has been engaged in placement of people at the State Fiscal Service in each region all over the country and in so doing they have controlled all of the financial flows of corruptive nature.

There is no need to apply any efforts to identify these financial flows; furthermore, Volodymyr Groysman made those amounts public. For instance, he pointed out in his recent statement that the Ukrainian budget annually received 70 billion UAH obtained in the course of fighting the contraband. This very amount is a key one to be taken into consideration while estimating the funds received by the presidential team applying to corruptive means.

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Sergey Pyvovarov

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